
How to Best Prepare for the SAT Exam!

SAT Exam

If you wanna apply for a University in the US. One of the requirements is to show your SAT score. Besides the US, institutions in Canada, Singapore, UK or Australia also accept the SAT. Learn all about this test and how to effectively get prepared for it.

So you make sure to score high and increase your chances of being accepted in your DREAM college.

What is the SAT Test?

The SAT aims to measure how ready a high school student is to go to college. It’s a standardized test that assists universities. So they can compare the candidates and their respective levels.

The Test is made by the College Board. It can be taken by anyone of any age who aims to apply for higher education studies. However, students who are about to finish high school tend to put more emphasis on the exam. The test is available nationwide on several dates throughout the year.

Which subjects are tested on the SAT EXAM?

The test is divided into 2 pillars:

  • Math;
  • Reading and Analytical Writing;

Up to June of 2021 there was a 3rd optional component on the test, the essay. BUT.. It was discontinued due to the logistics involved during this Covid period. The reading and analytical writing sections is divided into:

  • Reading: 52 questions, they are related to the given texts and vocabulary. Those questions must be answered in 65 minutes;
  • Writing: 44 questions to be answered in a written form about grammar and its use. In this section you will have 35 minutes to do it;

The part of the SAT that focuses on Math, lasts 80 minutes. For the first 55 minutes you are allowed to use your calculator, BUT… In the remaining 25 min you can’t.

SAT Exam

The questions are related to general MATH topics you saw during high school such as:



Data analysis;

Advanced Math;


The maximum score you can get is 1600. This is divided into up to 800 points for each section.

During the university application process, you should check the required score for the undergraduate program you want to apply for..

SAT preparation

Now that you already know about the exam. Check out some of the tips we have for you. Follow those and you guarantee a great score on your test.

Start getting prepared as early as in High School time

To save your time and effort during high school. You should focus on your studies from the whole beginning. You should be dedicated and proactive. As the exam is designed based on your school syllabus of the last years. College Board itself provides you with some tips for time optimization and…

To make sure you are ready on the test day:

  • Go for challenging subjects;
  • Do your homework;
  • Get into the habit of doing quizzes;
  • Answer as many questions as you can;

Take the test more than ONCE

You don’t have to wait for the end of your high school time to take the exam. It can be taken at any time you want and the highest score will be used for your college application. That is WHY…

You should consider taking the SAT Exam at least TWICE… In your first attempt, you shouldn’t worry as much about your score. Enjoy your ride… Take the opportunity to learn everything you possibly can about the exam… Try to understand how questions are made, in which areas you struggle with and…

How much time it takes you in each session. Once you get acquainted with the test and acquire all this knowledge, it will be easier to nail the test.

SAT Practice on Khan Academy

In partnership with College Board, the online course platform Khan Academy…

Organized and made available lots of free material for exam practice.

KA it’s recognized as an official SAT course that offers:

8 practice tests

Interactive Content, that helps you with your studies through videos, lessons and tips;

Feedback on your progress.

Even though you spent your high school years preparing for the SAT…

The Khan Academy is an excellent and free tool to help you boost your score.

Read Articles

The SAT demands a lot of concentration and sharp reading skills…

That is why you need to read more than just the study material and the test questions.

You should add some critical reading of scientific articles and long texts daily.

For sure…it will be…

Challenging in the beginning but you should do it gradually.

As time goes by you will get used to reading this type of text.

By studying like this…

One the exam day it will be much easier for you to read this type of text and answer the questions.

Use your favorite way to learn to dive deep into your studies

We live in a digital world, use that in your favor. So whenever you face difficulties with any content, look for alternative ways.

If you like to watch videos, look for…

Videos that teach the subject you want to learn on Youtube.

For example…

If you type Sat writing, you will find hundreds of people teaching it…


You can choose the one that suits you best.

The same idea can be applied to Podcasts. There are several situations where you can study such as:

Commuting to school;

Walking in the park;

Running on the treadmill.

Teach yourself and other people

Another excellent way to learn what you need for the SAT Exam is…

To prepare presentations based on your notes

And then…

Present them to yourself and friends

When we try to explain something, we will be able to see…

Our difficulties in the process;

Things we don’t actually know so well;

This will help us to master the content as a whole by dividing it into important parts.

Be ready for the test day

Take the previous day off…

Avoid doing things which can make you lose your focus like:


Physical exercises;

Believe me…

If your muscles ache, if you don’t properly digest your food…

This can affect your overall concentration on the test and…

Your performance is the one to suffer…

On the top of that, please remember to bring the following items:

  • nº 2 Pencil;
  • Calculator;
  • Photo ID;
  • Sat Registration Ticket.
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