OET Tips

OET Reading is all about Mindset


Over the years, I worked with hundreds if not thousands of medical professionals who had to take the OET. At home, I was thinking out loud:

Why do health professionals such as doctors, nurses, and dentists struggle with the reading bit?

Why, despite their competency in the language, they seem not able to do it?

If DOCTORS read so many medical papers, why do they have a hard time reading the medical tests on the OET?

As an OET Tutor, I felt I had an obligation to come up with an answer and a solution to this…

What intrigued me the most was….

No matter where I taught OET. UK, Australia, Ireland, Brazil…

Physicians in all those countries seemed to share this common problem, SO

I decided to analyze some of my students in different countries for 90 days….

By the way, you must be asking yourself?

Who is this guy?

Well, let me introduce myself.

I am Rob, a 40-year-old tutor who has spent over 20 years working with IELTS and OET Preparation on 4 different continents.


A shocking DISCOVERY


After spending several months monitoring students’ performance on the OET. Nurses and Doctors presented the same issue….

They would read, read, read…

Get the same easy questions wrong over and over…


They would get tough technical questions right…

That certainly got me intrigued as I tried to use every single possible book I found on Amazon with them…

I used official OET material as a benchmark, comparing it with the ones from Kaplan

Tried to explain things to them in multiple ways, BUT

Nothing seemed to work…

This continued for several weeks until one DAY

My student contested an answer from the official OET test and explained to me how he had answered it.

Only then did it hit me…

Doctors, Nurses, and Dentists, when doing the OET Reading, think as health professionals, not as test-takers…

This is the BIG problem…

Fixing your Mindset 2.0

Once I learned what the issue was, I decided to come up with a solution to fix it once and for all.

I read every single book I could get my hands on…

I devoured all the articles I could find on the OET preparation…


Where I really found my answer to the problem was in an old book with torn pages from Sun Tzu…

Among the principles found in the book, there was one about leading by example, which gave a brilliant IDEA

As I realized it was totally pointless to only teach people how to THINK and expect them to change their mindset…

I decided to show them through examples how they should think for the test. As a test taker, not a doctor.

I walked them through how a person who knows nothing about Medicine, but is good at taking tests would do it…

I made a contrastive comparison between how they would think and how they should…

To my surprise…

It took no more than 2 classes to see a positive change in people’s mindset and reading scores

Read as a Sniper and never miss a question.

After a few successful cases with my students, I was convinced that my military reading strategy was working…

This was when my sniper reading technique was born…

Throughout your OET classes, you will learn the most advanced strategies to never miss a question AGAIN

You will learn the simple hack Sun Tzu used with his troops that can be applied to OET…

You will learn why doctors read too MUCH of the text and get questions wrong…

You will learn that the problem is not the vocab you don’t know but how you do the question…

You will learn that to read medical papers is one thing, to take a proficiency test is another…

NOT convinced yet? Book a free session today and see for yourself


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