IELTS Band 7 Essay Samples

Some people think that secondary or high school students should be taught how to use money management as it is an important life skill. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Some people think that secondary or high school students should be taught how to use money management as it is an important life skill. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Some people think that secondary or high school students should be taught how to use money management as it is an important life skill. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

In recent years, there has been a trend of people from all over the world, particularly in the West, claiming that high schools should teach students how to use money management as it is a major skill to have in adult life. While there are many that oppose to this position, I agree that schools should have at the very least some optional classes focused on this topic.

The traditional education system has been established for several decades now, and even if some countries have taken initiatives to enhance the way in which students are prepared for life, changing the overall structure and focus of it has been proven to be a monumental task. For this reason, some people argue that shifting the focus of education as a whole so that it provides a more practical approach would hinder the economy and result in more of a headache than an actual benefit. In addition to this, there is the major difficulty of having to adapt what is taught to the reality in which every individual lives. As a consequence, the position of leaving money management skills to be obtained in real life situations and not in school that many have is a valid one.

In my opinion though, there is no need for drastic changes in education to be able to achieve what high-schoolers require to be ready to make wiser financial decisions when their time comes. For instance, allowing them to enroll in classes which put them in real life scenarios and encourage them to think and adapt using the knowledge they have previously gathered to solve for problems or choose between different alternatives would decidedly leave them at an advantage over others who have not had such experiences, even if in a controlled manner. Undoubtedly, a set of skills like this would prove extremely useful in their near future.

In conclusion, though making substantial changes in traditional education so that it gives students the means to manage money in an optimal way might prove extremely challenging, enabling options for those who are interested in learning and being better prepared for when they become an active part of the economy is not only a worthy effort to be taken, but one that will overcome its difficulties.

Esse é um ótimo exemplo de essay band 7.5. Super bem escrito, com um bom task achievement.

Ele apenas precisa de alguns ajustes de pontuação e ortografia, além da remoção de preposições adicionadas de maneira incorreta para que esse score virasse um 8.

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Esse essay foi escrito por um profissional de TI que tirou 8.5 no seu IELTS. Pois é, surpreendente não?

Usamos um sistema de ensino especial desenvolvido por Examinadores do IELTS, que até mesmo Engenheiros e Profissionais de TI famosos por terem as PIORES habilidades para escrever do universo conseguem uma ALTA performance na prova.

Cansado de escrever essays +- ?

Nós temos um approach único onde você aprende de uma forma sistematizada como:

  • Escrever uma introduction em menos de 2 minutos;
  • Os 4 elementos que quando faltam no seu body destroem o seu score;
  • Jeito gringo de escrever conclusions, que sempre dá certo e leva 1/3 do tempo;
  • Como saber sua nota ao ler o seu essay;
  • Os 8 único pontos que importam na hora de corrigir o seu essay no dia do teste, e o desastre que acontece quando eles são ignorados;

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2 thoughts on “Some people think that secondary or high school students should be taught how to use money management as it is an important life skill. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

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    1. adminielts says:

      We are glad you enjoyed the content!

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